
31 December 2020

… of sponsors

For a month, the former Master of the Order of Preachers, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, stayed in Jerusalem for a month. It was he who first encouraged the École Biblique to embark on the adventure of The Bible in its Traditions.

Master Timothy and Artur Lesage in pre-pandial conversation!

We were delighted to welcome Pierre Assouline of the Académie Goncourt to our office on 17 February. He was travelling to various places in Israel to talk about his latest novel, inspired by a famous poem by Kipling. It was an opportunity to present to him in detail (and perhaps too much: sorry, Pierre!) the progress of our hive!

The writer Gaspard-Marie Janvier came to spend a few days at the beginning of February, working on a future novel in close proximity to the New Testament.

To them and to all our other sponsors, our heartfelt thanks for their encouragement over the years…

… to publishers

eek of various administrative work at our Brussels headquarters, in partnership with the directors of Domuni Universitas, gave fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard to visit our publishers, Luc and Paul Peeters.

Paul, Stéphanie et Luc Peeters

Stéphanie, of the latest generation, is in charge of communication, in particular the renovation of the website where the printed editions of our books can be found.

… of the Président !

The School’s website widely echoed this: on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of our institution, on the morning of Thursday 23 January, invited by our director, Bro. Jean Jacques Pérennès, to visit the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem, the President of the French Republic spent several minutes in our office, welcomed by Bro. Olivier-Thomas Venard, Dr. Bieke Mahieu and the research assistants – Pauline Micos, Geoffroy Aujay de la Dure, Ombline Wirth and Joseph Ahmad.

To read the article: here in English.

Emmanuel Macron (behind René Troccaz, General Consult of France i nJérusalem) ans seachers
Fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard o.p. and Emmanuel Macron


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In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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