In the age of digital humanities, the research program “The Bible in its Traditions” studies the biblical books as the Word of God manifested in the words of men. Directed by the École biblique et archéologique of Jerusalem, it is dedicated to all seekers of truth.


Appel à candidatures : AMI en Histoire de l’art, pour 2025-2026
Aide à la Mobilité Internationale en histoire de l’art à Jérusalem — scholarship in art history in Jerusalem

On the Bible in its Traditions and liturgical translations …

Work sessions with two North American collaborators
Nashville and the Apocalypse Sr Mary Dominic Pitt O.P. et fr. O.-Th. Venardworkign at St Cecilia Motherhouse, à Nashville The Psalter at Sainte-Marie des Deux Montagnes Sr Marie-Madeleine Saint-Aubin o.s.b. and fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard o.p., grand parloir de l'Abbaye...