Our Friends at Work

31 juillet 2017

Hosea, from to US to Canada and Romania

Scripture and Theology Spring 2017 Colloquium

Last May, on the 5th and 6th, in Leonard Hall, Wycliffe College, Toronto (Canada), our friend Eugen J. Pentiuc, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Holy Cross Seminary (Brookline) and St. Vladimir’s Seminary (Crestwood, NY), he His most recent book The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition was published by Oxford University Press (January 9, 2014).
Eugen is also the initiator of the new edition of Hosea, on which about 20 contributors worked in the past 8 months. We hope to be able to present during the next meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Boston. (Peeters, hopefully 2017),

Between May 15th and 20th, Mgr Pentiuc was in Bucharest to lead a workshop organized by American Bible Society and was awarded by Patriarch Daniel with the « The Cross of St. John Chrysostom » a distinction granted to Orthodox theologians. Congratulations to him!
There, he recorded 8 episodes for the Trinitas TV, the only TV channel broadcasting 24/7 in the Orthodox world.
In episode 1, and more in the episode 8, he introduces the viewers to the BEST project.

A Tremendous Project on Rome and Jerusalem

led by Katell Berthelot A.M.U.(France)

We are pleased to announce the opening of the website for the ERC project « Re-thinking Judaism’s Encounter with the Roman Empire: Rome’s Political and Religious Challenge to Israel and its Impact on Judaism (2nd century BCE – 4th century CE » (short title: « Judaism and Rome »). To visit the website and learn about the project, please go to: judaism-and-rome.cnrs.fr

The website gives access to ancient sources connected to the theme of Roman imperialism and its reception by the provincials, providing as much information as possible: original text, English translation, images…
It also provides the reader with an original and detailed commentary on each source, a service that is very rarely offered on the web, and which makes this website comparable to a rich sourcebook in Open Access.
Finally, it seeks to promote interdisciplinary discussion between scholars working on Roman history, Jewish Studies, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Classics, Patristics, History of Christianity, and any related field.

A Useful IT Access to the NT and Flavius

Proposed by Patrick Rogers cp (Dublin, Ireland)

Our colleague draws our attention to a portion of his biblical website, containing the Greek New Testament in a form very accessible for students. It is completely free and works very well on smartphones too, and makes it easy to check and parse individual words.
In his own words:

 » While I studied in the Biblical Institute, Rome, it would have been very useful to me and my fellow students to have had such easy access to the Greek New Testament in electronic form! Please let me know if you have any modifications to suggest, which could make this site still more user-friendly. »

He also grants access to his English translation of the works of Flavius Josephus


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