During our C.B.A. session in Santa Clara, we were so happy to catch up the first two female students ever at the Ecole :
Sr. Dr. Regina Boisclair
Sr. Dr. Heloise Rosenblatt
Both of them contribute to The Bible in Its Traditions, Gina in the rubric Liturgy, as a specialist of Lectioneries and their uses,
and Heloise in the new rubric Law which allows to comment on Scripture as law, according to both Halakhic and canonical or disciplinary issues.
Dans le même esprit, nous nous réjouissons de compter parmi nos équipes plusieurs chercheurs comme les PR. PP. Augustin Tavardon, sur l’épître aux Romains, (here below) ou Gabriel Ngendakuryo, sur Jean, anciens collaborateurs du fr. M.-E. Boismard !