Dear Friends

23 décembre 2017

« Our Lady with the inkwell » (15th c.), contemplated in the treasure of the Liège Cathedral (Belgium) in July: when the Mother of the Word helps Him with writing…

Collaborators and Supporters of The Bible in its Traditions,

Merry Christmas!
Happy and Holy New Year 2018!

2017 has been a year rich in blessings, especially on our efforts to serve the general public:

  • Our weekly newsletter PRIXM reaches each Sunday more than 100,000 French-speaking addresses; please help us to launch the English version in 2018!
  • Our Digital Scroll, has been considerably enriched with the digital achievement of an English Polyglot available to all (although the scroll is still « experimental, » already several hundreds of you subscribed) ;
  • Our biblical show « Divine Syllables » have been rewarded by a prestigious award

And in the field of research:

  • After Philippiens last year, we recently launched a second printed biblical book in our Series: Hosea, to be ordered at Peeters Publishers;
  • The defense of the first Master 2 dissertation entirely realized on the platform of The Bible in its Traditions;
  • The second international symposium « Mise(s) en en Oeuvre(s) des Écritures » [« Performing Scripture »] with several important partners: Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle, École des Chartes, CESM, IEA, Domuni Universitas

— not to mention promising collaborations continued with many other institutions and the patient work of so many contributors who are concocting the next books.

May the year 2018 be as rich in scientific and cultural developments as 2017, manifesting the life of Him Who breathes deep through the text of Scriptures!

Thank you to each of our collaborators, our readers and our benefactors for their encouragement and (all tax-free) donations.

Blessings from the Holy City of Jerusalem, where we hope to welcome you this year,

fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard o.p.
and all the members of our Jerusalem office.


Sur le « scroll », retrouvez la Bible dans une interface qui concentre l’histoire de la transmission des Écritures, depuis le rouleau antique jusqu’à la base de données d’aujourd’hui.

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Sur cette plateforme collaborative, biblistes et autres spécialistes créent la base de données qui alimente nos publications numériques et imprimées.

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En installant l’application Bibleart sur votre mobile ou votre tablette retrouvez toute la Bible en une heureuse rencontre de créativité contemporaine et de trente siècles de traditions.

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